
React on the server,  DIY SAAS, Static site generators, Markdown editors, AMP, Motion-UI

Next.js is React for server-side apps, by the now.sh company. Routing is based on the filesystem, pretty fast to get a webapp started. Since everything is also rendered on the client you must extend it with a custom express server to do things like uploading a file.

Builderbook is a ready to use SAAS platform,  and the other templates get you Next.js, React, Material-UI, Mongoose, MongoDB starter kit with Google Auth as a bonus. The team also wrote a book explaining how to redo it, at 40$.

StorybookStorybook - Similar name, different purpose - allows you to develop react webcomponents independently from an App. This is how many React UI kits have been developed. The page has a huge list of examples.

Inboxen is a service that provides you with an infinite number of unique inboxes. Every time a website asks for your email, click the "Add Inbox" button to create another email address.

Dillinger is an online Markdown editor that saves in the browser storage your text. You can also publish via integrations to GDrive, Dropbox, Github.

Publii is a desktop based static site generator with a GUI, built on electron, node.js and python. Publish to github, gitlab, ssh, etc.