Frameworks, SDKs for Unity, Avatars
Aframe.io - A web framework for building virtual reality experiences by Mozilla
Babylon.js supports WebVR for Windows Mixed Reality, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Google Daydream and Samsung GearVR. Gamepad extension for controllers.
Oculus Integration for Unity - Install the package, add OVRCameraRig
UMA Universal avatar system - The Unity Multipurpose Avatar (UMA), is an open avatar creation framework, it provides both base code and example content to create avatars.
WebVR Fundamentals from Google
Vizor - Vizor is a platform for creating and sharing VR content on the web. Vizor features a 3D world editor and a powerful, visual programming language.
ReactVR - Build VR websites and interactive 360 experiences with React.
This article was updated on November 7, 2018